
Last Update: 29 Jun 2023

FTC Disclosure Compliance Rules:

In 2015, the Federal Trade Commission released its new rules for Disclosure Compliance.

These rules are set in place to ensure that readers or viewers of web media are aware if the blogger or publisher is sponsored, endorsed, or partnered with a different company. The readers need to know if the content publisher is making money by sharing a link or product.

In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following about links and posts on this site:

Any/all of the links on webmetools.com/webmetools.com are affiliate links for which I receive a small compensation from sales of certain items.

Content Disclaimer

On WebMarketingTools we use unique and informative content.

Our Content Developing and Authors do hard work before planning any new content. We have a team of the best digital geeks who are smart in their field and continue researching this web world.

Here I’m sharing our content strategy and disclaimer.

Tools Review/Rating:

Our Team personally researches well before writing any product review.

We use multiple resources, our self-experience, and other users’ comment also to review a product.

Same as for product criteria-wise rating we look all over the tool, its features, review, service, and everything that is beneficial for our audience. So our visitors or audience can pick the right and correct tools according to their needs.

Listing Content:

Many times we get offers from a tool that includes us in the top 3 in this listing content.


We don’t accept this kind of offer.

We create our list by ourselves using multiple resources.

These resources can be:

  • Rating
  • Features
  • Price
  • Trend
  • Users Response

And a lot of some other specification which helps us in deciding to put a tool on No. 1 or No. 10

Admin Note: I’ve used so many Digital e Tools in my life, searched so many times for the best tool for _______

You may surprise sometimes my experience is better with last no. tool.

So I believe choose a tool according to your need, not the number on the list.

Missing/Wrong/Outdated Content:

As usual, we continually update our site but we’re human and also made some mistakes.

So if you find that something is wrong, missing, or outdated content on our website about any product and post, yours is most welcome.

Please feel free to contact us regarding this.

Users/Visitors Info Disclaimer

When a user visit on this site, he/she may leave some of their personal info, in the form of comments, reviews, and lead.

We Respect our user’s info!

We Directly get this information from users:

  • Email
  • Name
  • Website


On this Website, we capture users emails in three major ways:

  1. Product Review Comment
  2. Blog Post Comment
  3. Lead Capture Widgets.

Emails from Ways 1 and 2 are saved in the WordPress database.

Leads Emails save into our Mail Marketing tool.

As Same We also Promise You:

We won’t

  • Send you Spam/Abused Emails
  • Never Sell your Email Address


When you make a Product Review, Comment, and Fill out any form, you also submit your name. Your name is saved in our WordPress database which is safe and doesn’t share anywhere.


We accept users’ websites in Review Comment and Post Comment, you submit your site which makes your comments more authentic and you also get a backlink from our website.

Earnings Disclaimer

We earn some commission when users purchase software or service using our affiliate links.
